The Friends of Chamber Music Soirée 2025 — Save the Date

Saturday, March 8, 2025 | 6 PM
Indian Hills Country Club
6847 Tomahawk Rd.
Mission Hills, Kansas

The Friends of Chamber Music Kansas City’s Soirée 2025 will be a phenomenal event in celebration of FCMKC’s Forty-Ninth Season.

It will feature an exclusive chamber music performance by our dynamic Artistic Directors, Dmitri Atapine and Hyeyeon Park, an auction, and multiple opportunities to support the future of chamber music.


For sponsorship opportunities and benefits, please contact
Edward Sien, Director of Philanthropy

For additional information, please contact
Janell Peterson, Director of Operations

Or call: (816) 561-9999

  • • One table including a three-course dinner for ten guests, plus priority seating.

    • Artistic Director special greeting for your guests at your reserved table.

    • Stage recognition at Soirée event and one 2024-25 Friends of Chamber Music concert.

    • Four box seats at the Folly Theater to one 2024-25 season concert. (value: $400)

    • Logo as a sponsor in Friends season program book (distribution: 3,000)

    • Logo in Soirée-related marketing materials to Friends constituency (distribution: 500)

    • Logo and recognition in Soirée 2024 program at the event (distribution: appx 200)

    • Inclusion in sponsor listing in FCMKC 2024-25 program book (distribution: 3,000)

    • Logo and recognition on FCMKC website (reach: appx. 3,600 per month)

    • Listing as a FCMKC sponsor in social media channels (more than 4,000 followers)

    (Table tax-deductible value less meals)

  • • One table including a three-course dinner for ten guests, plus priority seating.

    • Four box seats at the Folly Theater to one 2024-25 season concert.

    • Stage recognition at Soirée event and 2024-25 Friends of Chamber Music concerts.

    • Listing in Soirée marketing materials to Friends constituency (distribution: 500)

    • Recognition in Soirée 2024 program (distribution: appx. 200)

    • Listing as a sponsor in Friends program book (distribution: 3,000)

    • Logo and recognition on FCM website for one year (reach: appx 3,600 per month)

    (Tax-deductible value less meals)

  • • One table and a three-course dinner for ten guests, plus priority seating

    • Recognition in Soirée 2024 program (distribution: appx. 200)

    • Listing as a sponsor in Friends season program book (distribution: 3,000)

    • Logo and recognition on FCMKC website (reach: appx. 3,600 per month)

    (Tax-deductible value less meals)

The Friends of Chamber Music and Heartland Young Artists performing at the 2024 Soirée


Presenting Sponsors:
Cindy and Jay Longbottom, Honorary Chairs
The Bradley Family
Dwight and Naomi Arn

Supporting Sponsors:
Commerce Bank/Jonathan and Nancy Lee Kemper
Marilyn A. W.  and Norman E. Gaar
Kamal and Mary Lynn Soli Mikhail
JoZach Miller and Peter Bali
Honour Helena Miller

Table Sponsors:
Jennifer and Bud Bacon
Richard and Jane Bruening
Alietia Caughron
Ron and Tricia Fredman
Al Mauro and Molly Dwyer
Patricia Cleary Miller
Tom and Kathy Nanney
KC Needlepoint
John and Hilary Stroh


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